郭剑光(Dr.Samuel Kwok) ,畢业于香港大学工程系,哲学博士,英国皇家特許会计师,西交利物浦大学会计与金融系专业会计硕士课程主任。 为英国国际会计师公会学术会员, 格里学者,浙江大学MBA专家特聘教授,品牌战略管理顾问,早年受训于国际四大会计师行,长期为企业,政府及NGO提供策略制定专家意见及硏究报告,提供超过一百多起行业咨询意见。 郭博士长期为<二十一世纪商业报导>撰写行业专栏,并担任2015年11月由《首席财务官》杂志社主办的2015’中国CFO年会'题目为:"新常态下的企业金融多维创新"论坛主持人。
【1】KWOK, SAMUEL 2016 Strategy of China bullion markets integration and its financial impact, People's Daily Press - China,
【2】KWOK, SAMUEL 2018, ''Shenzhen-Hong Kong Gold Connect' - Design and Establishment' in (eds) Essays on the 15th anniversary of the China Gold Market, China Financial and Economic Publishing House, pp
【3】KWOK, SAMUEL 2017 'Questing for brand authenticity of luxury products consumers goal-contingent process as self-image conformation online.', Alantic Press, vol. , no. , p.
【4】KWOK, SAMUEL 2017 'China- Qinhai Shenzhen: Bullion market inbound integration model, development and strategy', Shanghai Management Science, vol. , no. , p
【5】(2017-2018) 关于中国黄金市场一体化与国际黄金定价权策略分析. In: The Third China Management International Conference - Changing World and Innovative China'. by China Management Science Society, Suzhou, China, October 14-15, 2017., pp.